A name like "the wit spot" kind of sets you up to be disappointed, right? That's kind of nice. It takes the pressure off, you know?
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
If lust and hate is the candy...
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Kiss it.
Beginning Memorial Day weekend, Illinois State Police District 15 will turn up the "heat" with special enforcement details for 100 days ending with the Labor Day Holiday weekend. Called “100 Days of Heat,” the effort is a comprehensive traffic safety program during the busy summer construction and travel months. The effort includes the ongoing Operation Hard Hat details to catch speeders in work zones. That’s where police pose as construction workers with radar equipment. Systemwide efforts are also in force to ticket speeders, DUIs and overweight trucks using unmarked police cruisers, aircraft, portable weigh stations and officers on motorcycles, a first for the Illinois Tollway. And, don't forget the photo speed enforcement vans coming soon. So, the "heat" will be on this summer!
Death By Cuteness
Saturday, May 20, 2006
In case you mistakenly thought I was popular.
Dear Britney Spears:

Thursday, May 18, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
And also...
A: Blower's cramp. Do you get it?
Apparently W does.
OK. That's all for now.
Maybe a little bit crazy.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Karaoke Club Minutes
Dear Grey's Anatomy,
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Is it just me?
Just terrible.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
On this, your second natal anniversary
Dear Eric,
But, in my defense, you had no eyebrows, dark sideburns, and they made you wear a garden gnome hat. And I was wearing a mu-mu.
I'm not so sure you were very keen on me, either.
Of course I'm only joking. I loved you before I ever laid eyes on you.
Truth be told, at first you were a little boring. It's nothing personal, all babies go through it. It has something to do with the lack of motor skills and all-liquid diet. But we still had lots of fun with you.
And you got bigger and bigger. And more and more entertaining.
Lord knows the past two years haven't always been sunshine and roses. I've certainly seen this face a time or two.
But, I will say this--there hasn't been a dull moment. Being a parent is more everything than I ever possibly imagined it could be: more fun, more rewarding, more exciting, but also more tiring, more tedious, more frustrating.
Every day you amaze me. I never imagined that a less-than-two year old would know every sport known to man and be able to look at a picture of an athlete and know what sport they play by the look of their jersey. I thought I had at least another year or so before you could trump me in a popular vote to switch TLC to ESPN.
I never knew that I would want to learn what every piece of construction equipment is called so that I could save you from the embarrassment of calling everything "truck" or "Bob the Builder."
I never knew that I would actually be willing to eat a piece of food that another person had previously chewed or sucked on and then rejected. But now I know that when there is no garbage can nearby, and no other obvious way to dispose of something, and your choices are eat previously chewed food or hold previously chewed food, it turns out that eating previously chewed food is not so bad after all.
I also forgot that I could love somebody so completely and so unconditionally. Thank you for reminding me. Happy second birthday, baby boy.