Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

I just read that the opposite of "Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy" is "Stressed Depressed Lemon Zest".  That makes me kind of sad. I am actively trying not to be a stressed, depressed lemon zest. It's not always easy. I spent years of my life looking for the downside to everything and finding ways to tell stories so that everybody would understand how bad things were for me. My brain is really well trained to do that. 

I am in the process of retraining my brain but sometimes it's more than happy to revert to its old habits. Some part of me is still a skeptic. I occasionally read or hear criticism of positive psychology that goes something like, "I'm a realist - I'm not just going to say that everything is fine all the time when it's not." I get it. That was me.  But, what I'm starting to realize is that many of the things I used to think were "wrong" were not really problems at all. And some things that are legitimate problems have really easy solutions. I wouldn't say I'm turning blissfully ignorant to all the problems in the world, I'm just changing my focus to the things I can control. And I'm starting to realize that I lost years of my life stressing -- obsessing, even -- about things over which I was powerless to influence in any way. As a result, I've made a decision to learn not to do that anymore.  Just like that - it was just a decision I made. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

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