Sunday, February 09, 2020


It's February. It's gray. It's cold. It snowed today. I haven't seen sunshine in something like 942 days.  I am not prone to exaggeration, it really is this bad. But then I saw a meme that said something like, "If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy but the same amount of snow." Touché. So, here are the good things that have happened today: I got outside and shoveled said snow. I got some fresh air and the temperature was actually pleasant and the snow was easy to shovel - not to mention that I have a tool that is purposely designed with shoveling snow in mind.  It is affordable, easy-to-use, and I own it! It was sitting right by the back door of my house. Also, I left my warm house wearing an appropriate amount of warm-weather clothes and I drove my car (which - get this - has HEATED! SEATS!) to a grocery store, which is literally filled with all kinds of food.  I bought a few things and was able to pay for them because my work magically sends money directly from their bank to mine every couple of weeks. I drove home on smoothly paved and recently plowed streets because I live in a town that stays on top of those things and all I have to do is pay them some money through my property taxes! I then brought my groceries into my home and put them away in my cabinets and refrigerator. A little while after that, I decided to take myself and my computer over to a coffee shop where I not only got to consume awesome and delicious coffee but I got to sit and browse the internet and then start writing this here message. While I was sitting here, Johnny Cash (I Walk the Line) came on the sound system, followed by Stevie Wonder (For Once in My Life), followed by Sam Cooke (Bring It On Home To Me)- three songs I love - it's like they are using one of my playlists!

One of my resolutions for 2020, and life in general, is to enjoy things more. I spent a lot of time just going through the motions for a lot of years. I have actually been working on finding more joy in my life for a little while now. I'm doing a pretty good job at it. One thing that I keep saying I want to do more, that I haven't done yet (save for a brief period last spring when I challenged myself to do it for a week or so) is write. I really do enjoy it. I'm not sure what all I'll be writing about, but I'm sure it will come to me. Welcome to 2020 (OK, this is a little belated). What are you working on this decade?   

As I mentioned just moments ago (go back and re-read - I'll wait...), I am trying to enjoy things more.  That means a lot of things to me. First of all, I am trying to slow down, not rush through life. I am taking time to open my eyes, look around and take in all the things around me. There is beauty all around. There is beauty in not burying my head in my iPhone screen. I am finding joy in just noticing this. It is loud in this coffee shop right now. I had earbuds in playing white noise for a while, but I took them out. Friends are talking and laughing with each other. Music is playing (a little too loud).  Kids are in here doing homework together. These things are all totally normal but I am totally enjoying noticing them. I don't need a lot of stuff to be happy, but since I happen to have a lot of stuff, I'm working on actively appreciating those things as well. 2020 is filled with all kinds of simple magic. I hope you are already enjoying some of it!

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